Friday, September 22, 2017

from the slaughterhouse backyard

i took those himalayan vulture several years ago in the Tibetan upland into the slaughterhouse backyard. They came to clean the sheep remains

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Some animals from Kazakhstan

The quality is very poor but in Kazakhstan you cans see

wild donkey

Then squirrels


The former capital Almaty

the Botanic Garden

Korgalzhyn Natural Reserve, birds and wild tulips

Two things deeply marked me during my trip in Kazakhstan, the people and  the wilderness of the enviroment;
People it's very warm polite honest and friendly they made me feel at home wilderness as well is priceless there;

This is why i promised to Kazakhstan to come back again
Few worlds 'bout Korgalzhyn Reserve, it's one of the most impotant area for birds, it's a steppe with a system of salty and fresh water lakes and rivers;
It's the northest place in the world where flamingos nest, there l you can observe one of the biggest Pelikan colony then steppe, eagle marsh hawk,cranes, skylarks and more and more; I've got as guide a professionals naturalist team , unfortunately i couldn't take  any good picture of birds (too far) anyway i'm posting a couple of shot of the landscape and wild tulips

Charyn Canyon

Kolsai Lakes

It was almost snowing, windy and cold wheather

Transoxiana forever

Altyn Emel National Park

Kazhakstan The Singing Dune

Another stunning place in central Asia, on the official agencies is very expensive to book tours, but isn' t impossible to arrange some excursions saving 50%