Sunday, December 27, 2015

Georgia part two Monastery David Gareja..

It's close to the Azerbaijan border, before to arrive you will cross salty lakes...

Then you arrive in David Gareja monastery , here is possible trek around the monastery visiting the cave where the monks used to meditated...

Then you will be in no man's land just between Georgia and Azerbaijan the following pictures show the Azerbaijan desert, phisically i was in a strip of land which both country claims as theirs

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Georgia on the fast lane...

Georgia it's a wonderful country in the middle of Caucaso , it's just halfway between Europe and Asia. The capital is Tblisi a multietnichal city rich of history, you can visit maybe the almost  oldest churches in the world , a Persian fire temple a sinagogue and a mosquee  where sciiti and sunniti pray together;
Georgian people is very friendly, the food is  good and the wine is better

Sunday, July 19, 2015

My new Pentax K3

Properly i bought this camera exactly twelve months ago.  What can i say? not easy to be manged, it takes time to learn how to use it correctly, it' s like a pure sport car, no compromises... the round it's more than 8 frames per second  (for tree seconds raw+jpeg) the autofocus system it's very fast, you only need to get familiar with it

Tonite i'll try catch fireflyes, i 'll let you know