Sunday, October 6, 2013


It's a region on the west of France not far from the Spain, here local they speak a French Spanish dialect, Camargue means Rhone  delta  a wide  natural park, salt works , beaches and gipsy villages too

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Around Milan there are...

probably the widest rice fields in Europe there is possible to meet easily Herons, most of them are migrated already

They are on the way to Africa...

Gruccioni/Bee Eaters are the most colorful Italian birds, unfortunately i didn' t have time to try to catch them during their breeding season, as well here in the north of  Italy, the birdwatchers are very protective with them, so if you want to see  Bee Eaters you have to  find them yourself!
I think is correct don't disclose where you can find Bee Eaters (except nationl parks of course) infact they breed in Italy and is very important don't bother them


Sunday, May 19, 2013

The best keept secret in Yangoon, probably any book still reporting it, but remember only ...

... at the sunset:

gettin' in Shwedagon at the sunset from the eastern gate and walking anticlockwise you will reach the northern corner of the citadel, then staying in the middle area between the external wall and the main pagoda perimeter you will be witness of a small miracle: in fact staring at the big diamond set at the main pagoda top, as you will move a step  in it's direction the diamond will appear you yellow then you move another step and it will turn green,  another step again and the diamond will be red.
Please when you will be there spend few words with the monks, don't be shy and try to make understand them how you are happy to share with them this little secret. But remember only at the sunset...


18TH May...

Despite  is deep sping, here is still cold but, as soon the  first sun beam hits us ...

Female chaffinch

Male Pochard

Sunday, February 10, 2013