Monday, April 30, 2012

As usual as soon i have spare time ...

I enjoy to take few pictures in the marsh....

Airone cenerino/Grey Heron


Sunday, April 22, 2012


As you move southward in direction of the Turkish border the landscape became wild and lovely

THE ROPOTAMO RIVER flows to the Black Sea, its outlet create a wet area incredibily rich of birds of prey (Haws and  BlackKites), unfortunately i didn' have enought time to try catch them...

Last Easter we went to Bulgary again, as usual it was a wounderful experience here some images from Plovdiv the second largest city in Bulgary...

Springtime is coming in Italy...

Today i took few pics in the marsh close home

Svasso maggiore/ Great crested Grebe

Cannareccione/Great RĂȘed Warbler (some of them migrate from South Africa to Italy each year)