Sunday, March 11, 2012


A couple of years ago we stopped few days in Siem Reap, the munuments are astonishing but the condition of life for normal people is  very poor and the country is still souffering for the wounds of the long and cruel civil war.

You can see luxory hotels on the main street but just around the corner you can find poor huts where local people live... the most sad  thing consinst on  the fact western people go there in the night clubs for the prostituction....


... yesterday we took a day tour (just 100 km southward from Milan) deep into the countryside, in Parma district (world's famous for Parmigiano Reggiano and  Grana Padano cheese and Prosciutto crudo di Parma and Culatello too).
First we visited the LIPU (Italian Association Birds Protection) reserve IL TORRILE  and then we visited the Fontanellato village, we enjoyed both ....


Monday, March 5, 2012


Last saturday we found this cute guy while he was taking his first sunbath...