Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More from Viet Nam...

...my wife and me we spent our honeymoon in the Vietnamese mountainside among the Mong people.. they live on the border with Cina and they are discriminated. We brought from Europe pencil and exercise books in exchange they made feel us at home.

During that days the mongs accepted to guide us into the mountains

The Black Mongs

The Red Mongs

The Mongs are very able to grow the rice in the mountains
it's called Terrace rice fields

The city of Sapa

Monday, February 20, 2012


... the city it's big, a little bit noisy but definitely alive and you can still feel French flovours, in some streets,  mixed with the tipically asian energy.

At night you will be surprised admiring the central post office or Notre Dame de Saigon in pure colonial style.

Scooters run fast everywhere, good food in the open markets and curious people around you.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bulgary ....a gem set in the Rila mountains...

... we are talking of Rila Monastery

It's  around 120 KM far from Sofia. It was built in the X century. Rila monastery withstÆ¡od countless muslim  sieges  and despite it was seriously damaged several times, the brave monks rebult it each time. Rila monastery it's half fortess and half monastery


Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is the image i have from Sofia Bulgary (i've been there two times this year), definitely less rich than Wien, Trieste , Praha and Budapest but , on my own opinion Sofia  is more amazing than the other world's famous mitteleuropean towns.

In fact despite Sofia is the third oldest city in Europe (after Athens and Roma) is not much well known.
Sofia lays in the heart of Europe but in the meantime is in the Balkan (a very  interesting area)  and on the way to east. If you want  see something different in Europe don't miss Sofia.

A trip in Bulgary is a trip in the past...as well the nature is still amazing.

 PS don't miss women's market there you can buy the delicious Bulgarian honey

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This space is ...

... about trips, nature and experiences ...  finally the winter is arrived in Italy too, those days the temperature decreased to  -14, so this morning i could take some pictures of the nature along Adda River, please send me your feedback

The Adda River

Migliarino di palude / Reed Bunting

Porciglione / Water Rail

Lui' Bianco / Bonelli'sWarbler

 Pettirosso / Robin